Louise Hyde 45 and her fantastic friend Justine Wilkinson 42 both from Blackburn are going to run, walk and perhaps even crawl the Chester Marathon on the 5th October 2014 in memory of Louise’s beautiful granddaughter Arabella Zoe that was born on the 22nd June 2014 at 21 weeks. Arabella devastatingly fell asleep shortly after her birth and Arabella’s mummy, daddy and families would like to say thank you for the love and support shown by Joanne and Friends of Serenity.
Not sure where the idea of taking part in the Chester Marathon came from when myself and Justine have never attempted to do any further than a 10k ! Anyway we have about 7 weeks left before M day ! We have been training hard for the past 6 weeks which has resulted in lost toe nails, injuries and learning to ride bikes to name a few. There have also been snot and tears and “whose idea was this ?” phrases and that is being polite.
Any wise words or encouragement will be gladly received by us both!
Thank you.
Louise and Justine x
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